Bio4HUMAN is the sister project of WORM, funded under the same Horizon Europe call.

Bio4HUMAN is a pivotal Horizon Europe-funded initiative focusing on the solving of solid waste management (SWM) challenges in humanitarian settings.
Bio4HUMAN’s principal objective is to provide both humanitarian aid operators and bio-based sector stakeholders, with a list of bio-based solutions for solid waste management that have the potential to be applicable across various humanitarian settings.
Bio4HUMAN will bring together humanitarian organisations, bio-based sector actors, and circular economy experts with the immediate aim of providing results to two locations receiving humanitarian aid in Africa, South Sudan and The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
WORM and Bio4HUMAN will develop many clustering activities. Stay tuned for more information, see our news and events page.
The expected outputs of the Bio4HUMAN project are:
- A list of approx. 10 innovative bio-based products and systems (solutions) with LCA methodologies for SWM applicable to diverse humanitarian contexts.
- The ‘easy to handle’ practical tools for socio-economic and governance aspects evaluation of bio-based solutions.
- A set of guidelines, recommendations, and tools on environmental, economic, and social aspects for SWM to be used by policymakers, bio-based sector actors, humanitarian aid practitioners, and the scientific community for scale-up and replication purposes.