Impact & expected results

WORM aims to improve waste management and waste related challenges in the humanitarian sector.


Improve the entire life cycle of the materials and products used in humanitarian aid from a sustainability perspective.

Promote the circular economy processes of the humanitarian supply chain and the reincorporation of waste (as a resource).

Increase awareness of environmental damages of medical waste.

Enhance the processes of livelihoods from waste management and remove the stigma around waste pickers.

Tackle the challenge of reducing waste littered to the environment.


  • Policy brief on sustainability criteria
  • Policy recommendations for field hospitals & sustainable humanitarian livelihood programmes
  • Medical waste management & sustainable procurement guidelines
  • Local waste management business models
  • Standard operational procedures for product use, reuse and recycling & for handover or recovery
  • Targeted local awareness campaigns in Kenya and Vietnam about medical waste management and their dangers
  • 4 workshops and 2 webinars which will be recorded and broadcast online
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