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Selection of prioritised products in the WORM project

WORM prioritised products The WORM partners have recently published the deliverable D1.1 Scoping exercise in which they revealed the five prioritised products selected for the project. They were selected after several meetings and discussions between WORM partners and associated partners, its sister project Bio4HUMAN, and WORM’s network specialised in waste management and...

Webinar – Strengthening medical waste management systems to reduce the environmental impact of humanitarian operations

WORM Webinar #2 - Strengthening medical waste management systems to reduce the environmental impact of humanitarian operations Description As part of Pamela Steele Associates contribution to the WORM’s primary objective, PSA conducted a study on medical waste management in humanitarian settings with an emphasis on field hospitals. They also evaluated...

WORM first newsletter – June 2024

The first edition of the WORM biannual newsletter was released on June 17, 2024.  You can consult the entire newsletter here!  Interested in receiving the project’s newsletter directly in your inbox? Subscribe here! Follow us on our social media to keep up to date with our next events!

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