WORM partners met in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam for the 3rd Consortium meeting of the project WORM partners gathered to review and discuss the project's recent progress, including the start of two Work Packages last month, and the next steps for WORM. Two major Work Packages were indeed...
Workshop – Waste Management in Humanitarian Operations: Reduction and Minimization
WORM Workshop #3 - Waste Management in Humanitarian Operations: Reduction and Minimization Description Humanitarian aid operations are some of the largest contributors to pollution and waste generation, across the value chain. During humanitarian aid operations, the idea of environmental pollution and degradation falls down the hierarchy of key priorities. WORM...
Webinar – Strengthening medical waste management systems to reduce the environmental impact of humanitarian operations
WORM Webinar #2 - Strengthening medical waste management systems to reduce the environmental impact of humanitarian operations Description As part of Pamela Steele Associates contribution to the WORM’s primary objective, PSA conducted a study on medical waste management in humanitarian settings with an emphasis on field hospitals. They also evaluated...